Film Projects

El Ultimo Tramo

Currently in post-production with L61 Productions

In Buenos Aires, Argentina, a recovered addict seeking to repair his personal and family life, returns to the rehabilitation center that saved his future. When a fellow patient runs away, he follows after him to bring the patient back to get the help he needs before it is too late. 

This short film is a special project that is a collaboration between myself and my cousin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The film seeks to humanize people dealing with addiction issues and show the harsh reality that many of them face. A mini-documentary on the topic was shot in early 2022 at a rehabilitation center on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.

The film will take place entirely in Argentina at the rehabilitation center where the initial documentary was filmed. The film will incorporate real people there dealing with addiction and intertwine the ever present presence of maté from Argentine culture. The film will show the perspective of drug addiction in Latin America specifically, but the story will resonate for many all around the world.

Follow along on our website here!

Spirit of the River

“In the jungle of the Bolivian Amazon Rainforest is Madidi National Park, one of the largest protected areas in the world. The heart of the park is home to several indigenous groups as well as hundreds of unique wildlife. All this has been in constant threat of the Beni/El Chepete Dam Project that has been in the works for the last decade."

Our documentary tells the stories of the local people that live in the area. To them the river is more than just a river. It’s a communication route, their livelihood and a place of deep culture and legends.

Watch the full short documentary to learn more about the local defenders in Bolivia who are standing up against a massive dam project and its multiple social, cultural and environmental threats. It is a story that is relevant not only in Bolivia, or Latin America, but all over the world. There are communities across the globe fighting a similar struggle to protect their homes and it’s important to recognize and remember this so we can support our neighbors.

Directed and Edited by Dominick Cura

Produced by Dominick Cura, Erin Pedersen and Daniel Dowling

Dawn Rising

Life is complicated, grief is complicated.

"Three friends try to navigate the sudden death of their friend by continuing his dream of going on a trip to watch the sunrise."

Dawn Rising is filled with nostalgia and bittersweet memories yet still holds a gentle reminder that there is always something special the future holds as well. We want this story to be something that makes the audience reflect on their own friendships and relationships in their lives as well as to show the importance of focusing on the small things in life such as watching the sunrise.

Directed by Dominick Cura

Written by Dominick Cura and Erin Pedersen

Produced by Erin Pedersen

Edited by Doruk Kahraman

Color of the Sky

"In a world where no one sees color, new glasses are created that grant the ability to see color. Sky, a failing painter, buys them in hopes of reviving his lost creativity."

With this film I set out to tell a story about what it really means to live in the moment. This short film was my passion project towards the end of the main COVID-19 quarantine. I gathered talent from my hometown of Seattle, and together with a group of mostly strangers we created this short.

The sunset is a large part of this story, and in my own life I have learned that watching the sunset is a stunning way to really appreciate living in the moment. My inspiration behind the film also came from my own experiences being color blind, and realizing that although I see the world in a different way, it's not any less beautiful. This is a lesson that Sky, the protagonist seeks to learn in the film and in the end, enjoying the moment can be a lot simpler than it seems.

Written, Produced and Directed by Dominick Cura

Directed and Written by Dominick Cura

Edited by Erin Pedersen

