
Home to the towering peaks of the Himalayas, Nepal is a mountain climber’s dream.

I spent 2 weeks hiking the world famous Annapurna Circuit in 2018. It was an amazing experience traversing forest, snowy peaks and the arid lands of the Mustang.

The trek culminated with the climb to Thorung La Pass at 17,769 feet.

At that altitude every step takes effort. While it was a difficult journey, it was worth the hundreds of amazing views.


But there is more to see in Nepal than just the Himalayas.

The cities of Nepal hold a lot of culture and history.

Walking through Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, it is hard to not see the ruins created by the devastating 2015 earthquake. Ancient pagodas barely left standing, buildings in repair.

But Kathmandu, home to more than a million people is a place of beauty, in it’s nearby mountains and the packed streets, lined with temples and pagodas.